A Toast To You!
A Toast To You! is a celebration of elegance and cheer, featuring a bottle of fine wine nestled in a stunning bed of red and pink roses, complemented by rich burgundy orchids. Arranged in a stylish 20" square box, this lavish gift exudes sophistication and warmth. Perfect for celebrating milestones, sending congratulations, or sharing good wishes, this luxurious floral arrangement is sure to impress. With same-day delivery from Beverly Hills Florist, it’s a grand gesture for any special occasion. Recipient must be over age 21.
Same Day Delivery: If you place your order by 7:00 pm in the recipient's time zone, we can typically deliver the flowers the same day Monday through Sunday.
Delivery Times: Our delivery hours are between 9am-10pm daily. You may request a time frame in the special instruction box when ordering, and we will do our best to accommodate your request, but we do not guarantee it. Normally, we are able to deliver within four hours on orders (Holidays Excluded).
Major holidays such as Mother's Day and Valentine's Day, we operate during extended hours and delivery times.
Orders placed after 7 pm for same day delivery: If you would place the order after 7 pm and still would like the order to be delivered same day, there will be a timed delivery charge of $65.